253 Angus, BWF, and Red Angus Bred Heifers
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Angus and Red Angus
South Central Nebraska and North Central Kansas
Coming 2
900 lbs
Medium Flesh
BoviShield Gold FP VL5
Native Eastern Wyoming Grass along with Salt and Mineral Program
AI bred to HeartBrand B5063S which is a son of HeartBrand Big Al and out of a Daughter of Hikari. Clean up bulls where all HeartBrand Bulls.
Ultrasounded Aug. 9th and September 11th
Bluffs Vet Clinic of Pine Bluffs, WY
March 13th
Any Number
FOB from Albin, WY
Available now through December 10th.
Contact Representative | Tyler (402) 610-2234
Wire Transfer or ACH Direct Deposit
1 load of red w/ ai and bull bred - 48 head
AI March 13th for a 3 day AI window.
1 load of black w/ ai - 45 head
AI March 13th for a 3 day AI window.
bwe ai bred - 18 head
AI March 13th for a 3 day AI window.
2 loads of blk/bwf bull bred - 50 head loads
Seller: Homestead ACres Ag, Albin, WY
HomeStead Ag is a 100-year-old Ranching Operation that is taking good commercial angus-based females and crossing them on Full Blood Akaushi Bulls for that sought after F1 cross.
Heifers were Synchronized and AI Bred June 4-6th to Full Blood Akaushi, HeartBrand B5063S which is a son of Big Al. They had Full Blood Akaushi Clean up bulls turned in June 19th for 45 Days.
All Heifers had a Breeding soundness exam and culled for conformation and temperament.